It is essential to keep your home appliances safe that meet our daily needs during this challenging time of fighting against the coronavirus pandemic. Proper usage and maintenance of devices are necessary to avoid any repairs and keep your family healthy and safe. Imagine a day your washing machine stops working, and you have to wash your clothes with your hands, or you have to give it to the laundry, which can be very expensive and cost you a lot of money.
Sometimes finding a good washing machine repair service can become very hectic and expensive, so inconvenient, right? You can be saved from all these problems by simply taking good care of your home appliances. Here we have mentioned some tips to keep your washing machine out of repairs and prolong its life.
Don't overload the machine.
This is the most common mistake that people make with their washing machine. Overloading your machine with clothes can damage your washer, and your device will stop working. It would help break up your laundry into smaller loads for good quality and clean washing. For the maximum efficiency of your washing machine, divide your clothes into smaller segments. Use the loads as mentioned in the manual, do not overload it. Use the appropriate detergent and measurement.
Choosing a lousy quality detergent that is too harsh or heavily alkaline can damage your machine and clothes. You should also know the correct measurement of the detergent, as too much soap or spilled detergents can leave residue on your clothes and affect the washer. Every washing machine has different measurement requirements. For instance, a high-efficiency washing machine requires a special, machine-specific low sudsing detergent. Use the right amount of detergent for your washing machine, as mentioned in the manual.
Have an eye on the hoses
Inflow and outflow of water are significant; therefore, keep checking the hoses every month for a smooth function. Check the hoses if it has any bulges, cracks, or leaks. Also, regularly check the outlet fitting condition to avoid any type of block in the pipe. Try to replace the hoses every three or five years as a proactive maintenance measure. You can take the help of our expert washing machine technician service through SathiPro for any hose repair. Keep the washing machine door open.
Another common mistake that people make is that they immediately close the washing machine's door after using it.
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